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Hello Again!

As we begin to restart our lives AGAIN, I am restarting this blog. Please come along with me & share the journey!!

I’m wondering? Did covid put things into perspective for you? After bouncing around like those little super balls we were all amazed by as kids, did you just land, or did you land, then spring forward?

I hear alot of people say “return to pre-covid!” No! Let’s not go through that again!! Let’s strive for post covid. Let’s strive for a better, more aware, less complacent, healthier place!

I challenge each of you to take a look at yourself…are you where you want to be? Not where you think you SHOULD be, but where you WANT to be? This is a tough one, and it probably can’t be fixed over night. Baby steps are still moving forward! Never go back – there’s always room for improvement & growth! How do you want to grow? Well I want to grow up – certainly not out! Just kidding – what’s life without a little humor to keep us all sane!

Challenge yourself! Add one new thing a week to your routine, but make it for your pure enjoyment! What will you add? I thought about this for a bit. What do I want to add? I want to add growth – I want to add happiness! How do I do that? That answer is different for everyone! What’s your challenge? Make today the day!

I’m challenging myself to get back to blogging & sharing what I love! Crafty goodness! Please follow me in my journey to grow! Living my best life – one scrap at a time!!