WELCOME TO: SasScraps & Crafts by Sherry Simonson Scraphappylife.com

About me:

I’m a crafter! I’m a scrapbooker! I’m a card maker! I attempt to be an artist! I like it all – anything that involves using your creative mind – everybody has one! I’ve been crafting for as long as I can remember. I get my craftiness from my Mom & my wood working abilities from my Dad, even though mine are much more limited! I get my inspiration from everyday scraps of my life. Creating makes me happy & sharing it makes me even happier. 😍.
Check out my blog & my shop at scraphappylife.com (be patient with me – I’m learning this web site creating thing as I go 🤦‍♀️). You can find me on Facebook at SasScraps & Crafts. I’m also on YouTube at SherrySimonson@Sasscraps. By day, I still work a “real” 9-5 – by night & random weekends, I create & scrap & crop & teach & share my love for anything creative! I’m married to a very patient man who supports my craftiness & I have two amazing boys & two wonderful step kids! Oh…..and I would be remiss not to mention my craft kitty – she’s a very privileged, little miss princess, who likes to be part of my craft room! 🐱 👑

I’m so excited you’ve decided to stop by. I hope you take some time to look around & share in my love for everything scrappy. The mission is to lead our best, scrap happy lives! ❤️